All of the necessary files and information can be found at
Workshop Notice of Intent case overviews and submission instructions
The README file is below with links
The propagation test case for NOI is an “shaped” axi-symmetric body of revolution.
The near-field dp/p data (-60.0 to 60 degrees) is provided as X (meters) vs dp/p
Simulation Conditions for Propagation:
a) Mach number = 1.6
b) Cruise altitude = 15760.0 meters
c) Propagation starting distance from the body = 98.76 meters
d) R/L = 3.0
e) Ground reflection factor = 1.9
f) Ground altitude for each case is the lowest altitude in the corresponding atmospheric profile
g) Acceleration, turn- and climb- rates are all zero
h) Heading (defined as degrees clockwise from East) is zero
i) X (East) and Y (North) components of wind represent the direction the wind is blowing toward.
j) The ground altitude (where the propagation is supposed to stop) is the lowest value in any atmospheric profile table
k) The roll angles are given in degrees
For loudness calculations, the minimum sampling frequency is 50 kHz
Near-field: Near-field X (meters) vs. dp/p’s to be used for propagation supplied in axibody_dpp.plt.
atmospheric_profiles: The atmospheric profiles be used for propagation are provided in atmospheric_conditions.dat
1. If the participant uses a non-uniform sampling during propagation, the ground signatures submitted should be re-sampled to a uniform distribution.
2. Participants can optionally include curved-earth/diffraction or other advanced effects in their results if they have such capabilities in their propagation model.
Desired Run
Using the provided near-field dp/p and atmospheric profile, propagate the signature to the ground at five azimuths {-lateral cutoff angle, -45, 0, +45,+lateral cutoff angle} deg (with 0.0 being under-track, -45 left and +45 right side) and predict the submission data (see below) on the ground (Z=13m) using the provided atmospheric profile.
Submission data:
1. Ground signatures (Time (seconds) vs. Pressure (Pascals)) corresponding to all the ground signatures in “GroundSignatures_LastName_CaseName.dat”
2. Ground intersection locations corresponding to all the ground signatures in “GroundIntersections_LastName_CaseName.dat”
3. Loudness metrics (PL, ASEL, BSEL, CSEL) corresponding to all the ground signatures in “Loudness_LastName_CaseName.dat“