Submission instructions and case overview for participants
Description, Geometry, and Grids
1.4 Mach
0.0 (degree) angle of attack (geometry and grid provided includes rotation)
37.16 (m^2) reference area for half span model
1080 (in) body length
U.S. Standard Atmosphere (1976)
53,200 (ft) altitude
389.9 (Rankine) temperature
109,776 Reynolds number per inch
2.6 static pressure to freestream ratio at at Engine fan face
1.4 static pressure to freestream ratio at Environmental Control System (ECS) inlet face
10.0 Engine plenum total pressure ratio to freestream static pressure
7.0 Engine plenum total temperature ratio to freestream static temperature
2.4 Bypass total pressure ratio to freestream static pressure
2.0 Bypass plenum total temperature ratio to freestream static temperature
An alternative propulsion boundary specification if unable to use back pressure
0.40 Mach number at Engine fan face
0.35 Mach number at Environmental Control System (ECS) inlet face